Kenya - Day 12

Today we started off with breakfast at Camp Carnelleys, and Mike Hyodo shared his amazing testimony about how God transformed his life and led him and his family to Kenya.  For a camp, the food was great!  Then we hopped in the cars to head back to Nairobi.  We had a few hours before we had to go to dinner, so we checked into the hotel and spent a couple hours as a team debriefing our time so far and preparing for the upcoming Sunday service.  

Our next stop was to go visit Amati Auto shop, where Paul and his brothers work.  Paul shared some of his testimony about starting the business and how he has been using it as a place to train young men and women how to become mechanics and learn a trade while making some money as well.  It was really cool to see Paul's heart for the young people, both in his village with what he is doing with Amati Child Development Center and also with Amati Auto.  We got a chance to pray for the young men that have been working there and you could totally tell that they wanted and were receiving the prayers.  Later, Mike told us that we were the first team to visit Amati Auto, and Paul was so thankful that we chose to go.  Paul and his brothers have definitely felt like family to us on this trip.

We got a chance to do a little shopping before heading to dinner.  We went to Spinners Web, where artisans sell their work.  A lot of us loaded up on souvenirs and gifts to take home, and the boys really enjoying all the hidden knives and swords they had on display.  As we were checking out, one of the workers asked Pastor Barry if he was Jackie Chan, so Mike convinced them to take a picture together and then compared it to the Rush Hour poster.  We all got a good laugh out of that.

For dinner, we went to the much anticipated Carnivore restaurant.  They have a vast menu of mainly meats that they grill on a huge spit.  The wait staff then come and carve the meat directly onto our plates.  One of the highlights for everyone were the exotic meats we got to try.  Many of us liked the crocodile and ostrich, but didn't care for the chicken liver or gizzard.  The definite highlight of the meal was that many of us tried the ox testicles, and all the boys got a kick out of saying they ate ox balls.  It was a really fun experience.  Tomorrow...SAFARI DAY!