Mozambique - Day 7

Today began our last day in Mozambique.  We started off with a surprise fitting at a shirt maker.  Pastor Bila wanted to give our team gifts of custom shirts, which we would receive later that day.  From there, our team split into 3 groups to preach at different churches.  Kyle, Damon, Jayden, Eli, and Dylan went to Arc of Salvation to share about things that get in between us and God.  They were able to be flexible and performed the skit even with some technical difficulties.  Garrett, Aric, and Henry went to Pastor Bilas daughter and son in laws church and Garrett gave the sermon.  Pastor Barry and Matt went to Pastor Daniels church where Pastor Barry gave the sermon.  It was a good time connecting with the different churches and each team really felt like God had a purpose for them being at that specific church.

After the services, we all regrouped at Pastor Daniels house for lunch.  We were able to spend some more time with the Moiana and Bila families that we had connnected with all week.  It was a little bittersweet as we knew this was going to be the last time we would see them before we leave, so it was a great time of connecting and laughing but also sad because we were going to be leaving soon.  We were presented with the shirts that were tailored all that day, custom fit for each person.  Sandra, Pastor Daniel's wife, also wanted to show her appreciation for the wives/moms of each team member with a gift of a skirt.  She said normally it is a 2 part outfit, but she only wanted to give one part because the second part will come when the wives visit her in Mozambique.  She did give Pastor Barry both parts because Mama Dale has already been to Mozambique, so he was able to show it off and everyone got a good laugh.  We had a great time in Mozambique, we really felt like family and are sad to go.  But now its time for our next stop in Kenya!  Travel day tomorrow.