Pics of our first day in Mozambique

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Welcome To Mozambique - Day 3

Today we got an amazing greeting to Mozambique from Apostle Vasco and Mama Moiana, Pastor Daniel and Sandra Moiana, and Pastor Bila.  After picking up our rental car, we drove to Casa Koinonia which is where we will be staying during our time in Maputo.  Casa Koinonia is a place that hosts missionaries when they travel to Mozambique, and some of our past Catalyst teams have stayed there.  The pastors also came with us, and we got a chance to spend some time hearing some of their stories and connecting with them.  We are very fortunate to have found partnerships with such men of faith and integrity!  Ministry in Mozambique is not easy, and they said that our team just coming to visit helps them to feel not alone.  We got a few hours to rest and recouperate from the long flights and little sleep, and then capped off the day walking around downtown Maputo (the capital of Mozambique) and having dinner at Pastor Barry's (and now Jayden's) favorite PiriPiri Chicken restaurant.