In this first of its kind roundable episode, we welcome Henry Chi and Kyle Anema to the podcast to discuss the topic of "Progressive Christianity." Henry shares about why he brought this topic to potentially be an upcoming Biblical Worldview class, and how Progressive Christianity is different than Christians with progressive political views. Then the guys discuss some of the main values that Progressive Christianity has according to progressivechristianity.org, and talk about how it may be its own religion, one that is not really Christian at all. If you have ever wondered what Progressive Christianity is, or wondered about the allure of the Progressive Christian Church, you definitely won't want to miss this episode!
We will hold another Biblical Worldview Class covering this topic on June 26. For more information, check out this link: https://www.catalystchristiancommunity.org/events/biblical-worldview-class-progressive-christianity/2022-06-26